/r/ATBGE - top ten submissions for each month of 2024

sfw subreddits | << ATBGE 2023
2024, February
Casio solved a problem nobody had in 1979
8633 Casio solved a problem nobody had in 1979
Nice DIY C-Section
6642 Nice DIY C-Section
this tattoo..
5550 this tattoo..
Man’s hubris is an affront to God.
4670 Man’s hubris is an affront to God.
?I'm curious as to what this wedding dress is m...
3741 ?I'm curious as to what this wedding dress is m...
This tattoo artist probably graduated from one ...
3092 This tattoo artist probably graduated from one ...
I have a feeling some guys may have difficulty ...
2935 I have a feeling some guys may have difficulty ...
Spotted on marketplace. Think this qualifies? E...
2185 Spotted on marketplace. Think this qualifies? E...
Of course
2176 Of course
Crack that whip! ?
1940 Crack that whip! ?
2024, January
Awful taste literally
4326 Awful taste literally
Hand-knitted portrait of King Charles. Took her...
3240 Hand-knitted portrait of King Charles. Took her...
Woven Tire Chair
3163 Woven Tire Chair
Why would someone even create this??
2990 Why would someone even create this??
2332 Beautiawful
An animated vinyl
2154 An animated vinyl
Ronald shot first
1804 Ronald shot first
Just why..
1744 Just why..
Nightmarish fountain
1510 Nightmarish fountain
Arachnolabia! Kachow!
1249 Arachnolabia! Kachow!