/r/MurderedByWords - top ten submissions for each month of 2024

sfw subreddits | << MurderedByWords 2023
2024, February
no posts
no posts
2024, January
Build up instead of tearing down
28584 Build up instead of tearing down
Truly mindblowing
25948 Truly mindblowing
You happened
25461 You happened
Stick that up ya!
25024 Stick that up ya!
Don't run from your emotions
24458 Don't run from your emotions
Bad weather stops play
23366 Bad weather stops play
Mayday! mayday!
21583 Mayday! mayday!
It's clear as can be
20362 It's clear as can be
Red States feel the Burn!
18065 Red States feel the Burn!
bango-baby (murdered on twitter)
17927 bango-baby (murdered on twitter)