/r/Python - top ten submissions for each month of 2024

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2024, February
Announcing uv: Python packaging in Rust
569 Announcing uv: Python packaging in Rust
TIL that `for x in 1, 2, 3:` is valid
567 TIL that `for x in 1, 2, 3:` is valid
Summary of major Python changes between versions
455 Summary of major Python changes between versions
Counting CPU Instructions in Python
368 Counting CPU Instructions in Python
What all IDEs do you use? And why?
344 What all IDEs do you use? And why?
CLI tools hidden in the Python standard library
327 CLI tools hidden in the Python standard library
One Trillion Row Challenge (1TRC)
320 One Trillion Row Challenge (1TRC)
TIL: `yield` inside a `try` followed by `finall...
264 TIL: `yield` inside a `try` followed by `finall...
Why use Pycharm Pro in 2024?
265 Why use Pycharm Pro in 2024?
Recording and visualising the 20k system calls ...
254 Recording and visualising the 20k system calls ...
2024, January
Breaking news: Python 3.13 gets a JIT compiler ...
717 Breaking news: Python 3.13 gets a JIT compiler ...
Why Python’s “slowness” is not slowing anyone down
661 Why Python’s “slowness” is not slowing anyone down
K Lars Lohn uses math and Python to triangulate...
481 K Lars Lohn uses math and Python to triangulate...
Why Python is slower than Java?
387 Why Python is slower than Java?
The Cowboy Coder's Handbook: Unlocking the Secr...
379 The Cowboy Coder's Handbook: Unlocking the Secr...
Why Python is slow and how to make it faster
300 Why Python is slow and how to make it faster
Tired of using TKinter
295 Tired of using TKinter
What are the coolest Python automaton projects ...
279 What are the coolest Python automaton projects ...
Polars DataFrames now have a `.plot` namespace!
235 Polars DataFrames now have a `.plot` namespace!
PyPy has moved to GitHub
230 PyPy has moved to GitHub