/r/confusing_perspective - top ten submissions for each month of 2024

sfw subreddits | << confusing_perspective 2023
2024, February
4517 Impressive
HELP! My bird's head fell off. What should I do?
2391 HELP! My bird's head fell off. What should I do?
1644 Tangledn't
When you are the target
1632 When you are the target
Someone skipped leg day
1293 Someone skipped leg day
Look Ma, no head!
1283 Look Ma, no head!
That's nasty
1280 That's nasty
Raised or indented? Own photo from a beach in G...
1253 Raised or indented? Own photo from a beach in G...
My dog Ruby
1183 My dog Ruby
Noodle cat
1094 Noodle cat
2024, January
Here's a challenge for ya
3165 Here's a challenge for ya
I know you all thought the same thing as me!
2904 I know you all thought the same thing as me!
Moose toilet paper holder looks like cutout in ...
2671 Moose toilet paper holder looks like cutout in ...
A stump
2151 A stump
This is not a thick desk.
1581 This is not a thick desk.
You can't park here... oh, nevermind
1470 You can't park here... oh, nevermind
I'm Back in the Legless Chair, (Now with Proof ...
1376 I'm Back in the Legless Chair, (Now with Proof ...
This city that looks like a scratch on the window
1193 This city that looks like a scratch on the window
This WeddingDress
1094 This WeddingDress
Not gonna lie, got confused for a second there
1070 Not gonna lie, got confused for a second there