/r/natureismetal - top ten submissions for each month of 2024

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2024, February
The largest predator on planet earth, the Sperm...
9287 The largest predator on planet earth, the Sperm...
Not only the largest, but the only predator on ...
5451 Not only the largest, but the only predator on ...
Crocodile Ambushes a Cheetah at Watering Hole
4953 Crocodile Ambushes a Cheetah at Watering Hole
Snail with a hornet nest on it.
4645 Snail with a hornet nest on it.
An Australian masked lapwing showing off its wi...
4342 An Australian masked lapwing showing off its wi...
An anaconda regurgitating another smaller anaco...
4333 An anaconda regurgitating another smaller anaco...
Can you spot the perfectly camouflaged predators?
3877 Can you spot the perfectly camouflaged predators?
This is a picture of a deer in a tree.
3568 This is a picture of a deer in a tree.
Lion Kills a Cub
3530 Lion Kills a Cub
Found these guys on my hike today. What are the...
2816 Found these guys on my hike today. What are the...
2024, January
Brown Bear kills an adult Moose.
6611 Brown Bear kills an adult Moose.
This squirrel in my backyard is missing a chunk...
6000 This squirrel in my backyard is missing a chunk...
Mother Buffalo Fights To Protect Her Newborn Ca...
5677 Mother Buffalo Fights To Protect Her Newborn Ca...
Squirrel frozen in place running across the roa...
5571 Squirrel frozen in place running across the roa...
Hyena pulls out a Zebra fetus
5476 Hyena pulls out a Zebra fetus
Praying Mantis Kills Hummingbird
5028 Praying Mantis Kills Hummingbird
Puma taking on a Guanaco
4157 Puma taking on a Guanaco
The zombie squirrel still lives.
3504 The zombie squirrel still lives.
The Killing Claw of the Cassowary.
3414 The Killing Claw of the Cassowary.
A cottonmouth bites a raccoon in the face
2736 A cottonmouth bites a raccoon in the face