/r/technicallythetruth - top ten submissions for each month of 2024

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2024, February
Here's a Whale Fact! ?
26266 Here's a Whale Fact! ?
Titanic Annual Death Chart
20265 Titanic Annual Death Chart
All births end in deaths
17359 All births end in deaths
That's a new color...
17376 That's a new color...
Atheists, Christians and Cats
16514 Atheists, Christians and Cats
Friends to the end
16483 Friends to the end
Humans don't kill animals using teeth.
13536 Humans don't kill animals using teeth.
As a human, I can read this captcha too
13194 As a human, I can read this captcha too
Bone hurting technical truth
12599 Bone hurting technical truth
It is that simple, really...
12081 It is that simple, really...
2024, January
Oranges do not lie nor disappoint
37956 Oranges do not lie nor disappoint
Probs, not the best one - but this belongs here...
31131 Probs, not the best one - but this belongs here...
Happy New Year !
31132 Happy New Year !
He can finally FLY.!
25311 He can finally FLY.!
I don’t see anything imperfect here
23902 I don’t see anything imperfect here
The question is: how do you sit on a cloud?
20134 The question is: how do you sit on a cloud?
Now that is pure Genius
19779 Now that is pure Genius
It all makes sense
19109 It all makes sense
Instant insulation, just add manual labor
17531 Instant insulation, just add manual labor
A zoomed out picture of me with y’all
16965 A zoomed out picture of me with y’all