/r/unpopularopinion - top ten submissions for each month of 2024

sfw subreddits | << unpopularopinion 2023
2024, February
People who say “this could never be made today”...
9673 People who say “this could never be made today”...
Drinking water out of a bottle with your mouth ...
8366 Drinking water out of a bottle with your mouth ...
Banning straws made no sense when balloons are ...
7365 Banning straws made no sense when balloons are ...
Small business owners are the most insufferable...
7043 Small business owners are the most insufferable...
Married people splitting their finances is fool...
6911 Married people splitting their finances is fool...
Taco Bell can be relatively decent, wholesome a...
6535 Taco Bell can be relatively decent, wholesome a...
If you cheat on your husband/wife, assets shoul...
6449 If you cheat on your husband/wife, assets shoul...
People who say “don’t blame others for the prob...
6401 People who say “don’t blame others for the prob...
People who say "humans weren't meant to work" h...
5776 People who say "humans weren't meant to work" h...
Jacksepticeye was right about mrbeast
5360 Jacksepticeye was right about mrbeast
2024, January
Being chronically late all the time is 100% a c...
18132 Being chronically late all the time is 100% a c...
You shouldn't be allowed to recieve organs from...
11848 You shouldn't be allowed to recieve organs from...
Old men with their (arguably) "aggressive" nudi...
9730 Old men with their (arguably) "aggressive" nudi...
Gypsy Rose Blanchard shouldn’t be famous
7493 Gypsy Rose Blanchard shouldn’t be famous
Banks shouldn't need to "earn money." They shou...
7056 Banks shouldn't need to "earn money." They shou...
Rodents and pigeons don't deserve the cruel & i...
6925 Rodents and pigeons don't deserve the cruel & i...
Killing bugs is sad
6225 Killing bugs is sad
If you go fishing, it's more humane to eat the ...
5685 If you go fishing, it's more humane to eat the ...
Gryffindor house is full of assholes & bullies
5640 Gryffindor house is full of assholes & bullies
Working a 9-5 job isn’t the ‘hell on earth’ I’v...
5314 Working a 9-5 job isn’t the ‘hell on earth’ I’v...